Some of the policies used by school are written by Astrea Academy Trust and are trust-wide policies that are accessible via the Astrea website. These include policies on Recruitment, Whistleblowing, Data Protection and Exclusions. To see these – as well as a number of other policies – please click on the link below:
Other policies are either written or adapted by Carrfield. Whilst there are many school policies used, the links below will allow you to see the important ones.
Curriculum & Learning
Key Policies
- Attendance (September 2024)
- Behaviour: Astrea Primary Behaviour | Carrfield Behaviour & Relationships | Astrea Learning & Behaviour Expectations | Behaviour Curriculum Map
- Anti-Bullying Statement
- Supporting children with medical conditions
- Charging & Remissions
- Complaints
- Whistleblowing
- Child Protection & Safeguarding (September 2024)
- Home School Agreement
- Uniform
- Exclusions
- Health & Safety 24-25
Reporting, Accountability & Governance
OFSTED & Statutory Information
Other Important Policies & Information
- Online Safety
- Communications
- Data Protection (includes information about how photos/images of children are used in school and how we obtain permission for this)
- Term Dates & School Day
- Meet the Staff
- After School Clubs