At Carrfield Primary Academy, we follow the National Curriculum for children in Key Stage 1 and 2 as well as the EYFS Framework for children in Reception.
In order to implement this curriculum, there are a number of documents that outline various aspects of how we do this across school. Links to these documents can be found below – they are best viewed via a laptop/computer or a larger screened mobile device rather than via a mobile phone. Due to the ever-evolving nature of a school curriculum, we continually review and adapt the curriculum to suit the needs and priorities of the children at Carrfield. If you have any concerns, queries or thoughts about the curriculum at Carrfield, we are more than happy to hear from you about this: please speak to Mrs. Adamski (Principal) or Mr. Morton (Vice Principal, Curriculum Lead) to arrange a chat.
Approach to Phonics & Reading
When children enter school in Foundation Stage and through to the end of Key Stage 1, they will be taught the crucial early reading skills and phonics through use of the Read Write Inc. programme. Should children need further support with early reading and phonics, access to this will be extended into Year 3/4. If children still need further support with this in Year 5/6, this is delivered using Read Write Inc’s FreshStart programme. In Key Stage 2 (Year 3 onwards or whenever the child is ready to move on from Read Write Inc.), school use whole-class Guided Reading sessions which are supported by materials from the Literacy Shed. The Literacy Tree curriculum, used for Literacy lessons, also supports children’s early reading development through use of high-quality texts and school uses J.W. Education’s Sounds & Syllables programme to deliver spelling in Key Stage 2. Spellings for children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are taught through use of spelling lists linked to the sounds children are learning in their Read, Write Inc. phonics lessons. Further information about this can be found from Page 8 of school’s Curriculum Policy.
Links to key curriculum documents:
- Carrfield’s Curriculum Big Picture
- Curriculum Policy
- Curriculum Overview
- Curriculum Ambitions
- Purpose of Education for each individual subject taught at Carrfield
- Online Safety Curriculum
- Literacy Overview
- Progression Map: Reading and Writing
- Writing: Pg. 1-6, Pg. 12-15
- Reading: Pg. 7-11
- Maths Curriculum Map | Progression Map: Calculations | Maths Policy
- Ark Maths Meeting Guidance: Foundation Stage | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6
- Relationships, Sex & Health Education
- PSHE & Personal Development
- Knowledge Organisers: Art | Geography | History | Maths | Science | Foundation Stage
- Primary Knowledge Curriculum Overviews: Art | Geography | History | Science | Assessment Tasks & Essays
At times, school may be in the process of editing and adapting these documents so please bear this in mind if you are viewing them – they are designed to be updated as needed without the need to keep taking down and uploading documents. We will also add more documents to this list as they are finalised and uploaded to Google Docs so please keep checking in to see how our curriculum is adapting.
Remote Education
In the event of any further need for remote education, such as during the COVID lockdowns, school makes use of a mix of online learning through Microsoft Teams and directed offline learning. Through use of school’s existing communication systems, including Teams, Dojo and the website, parents/children will be informed about the times that they are expected to be on Teams for online lessons and the tasks/activities/resources that need to be completed offline.