School Alerts

Clubs and Activities

At Carrfield Primary Academy, we are extremely proud of the number of after-school clubs that we offer and the uptake of these by our children. For the last three years, over 70% of children have accessed at least one club during the school year! We offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities with a mix of sporting and creative clubs; this includes our partnership with Team Activ and the efforts of our fantastic teaching assistants.

Please click on the link below to view current activities available after school for Spring 1 – January / February 2020.

After School Club Leaflet – Spring 1

From December 2019 onwards, we are changing the way that children are signed up for after-school clubs. Instead of parents/carers handing in a reply slip, we are asking them to complete a Google online form to indicate the after-school clubs that their children wish to access. Please click the following link to apply for an after-school club for Spring 2020:

After-School Club Online Application Form

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