2023-2024 School Day Timings
School offers a breakfast club from 8:00am, children need to arrive by 8:10am for this. This is free for children in receipt of free-school meals and is charged for other children. At the start of the school day, children at breakfast club will be allowed to walk through school to their classrooms, supervised as appropriate.
The school day begins at 8:45am; classroom doors will be open from 8:40am. Whilst the doors are open until8:50am, please ensure that children are arriving at school for 8:45am as they will be provided with morning learning activities to start the day during registration time. Children arriving late (after the doors have closed) should sign in at the main school office.
There is a morning break for all children in school between 10:45 and 11:00am. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children will use the small playground, Key Stage 2 children will use the big playground and football cage. When the weather is dry, the field will also be available at the discretion of the adult(s) on duty.
Lunch breaks are staggered to ensure that all children get an appropriate amount of time to eat their dinner without queues for serving and to ensure that the dining area does not feel too crowded. Dinners are served from 11:45am to our Foundation Stage children through to 12:30pm for our Year 5/6 children with children also given time to play outside. Every child gets a 45-minute lunch break. In the event of inclement weather, school may have to implement an indoor break. However, we always try to keep children outside if we can – please ensure that children bring appropriate clothing (e.g. coats with hoods, scarves/gloves). An indoor break will not be used for cold weather or light rain; we use an indoor break for safety reasons or for heavy rain.
There is a daily act of collective worship at varying times through the week. Parents and carers have the right to remove their child from religious education or from the daily act of collective worship. They should first discuss this with the principal so that they can understand clearly how these areas are tackled in school. If they then wish to withdraw a child, this should be confirmed in writing.
In the majority of classes, the mornings will be taken up by the core subjects:
- Phonics (Read Write Inc) or Guided Reading
- Literacy
- Maths
Other subjects will usually take place during the afternoons although class teachers will juggle the timetable to meet the needs of the children and the curriculum. If we deem it necessary, we will deliver core subjects in the afternoons and other subjects in the morning!
The school day finishes at 3:15pm. However, on most evenings, there are also after-school clubs until 4:15/4:30pm.
2023-2024 Term Dates
Please note that Astrea Academy Trust have determined that school will have three additional INSET days during the 23-24 academic year. These will be in addition to the five that all schools have to use. The school calendar on Class Dojo has all INSET days and holidays recorded as well as other important dates and events.
Autumn Term
Wednesday September 6th – Friday December 22nd
- INSET Day #1 – Monday September 4th
- Astrea INSET Day #1 – Tuesday September 5th
- Children return to school on Wednesday September 6th
- Astrea INSET Day #2 – Monday October 2nd
- October Half Term is W/C Monday October 30th
- Children return to school on Monday November 6th
- INSET Day #2 – Friday November 24th
- Christmas Holiday is W/C Monday December 25th and Monday January 1st
Spring Term
Tuesday January 9th – Friday March 22nd
- INSET Day #3 – Monday January 8th
- Children return to school on Tuesday January 9th
- February Half Term is W/C Monday February 12th
- Astrea INSET Day #3 – Monday February 19th
- Children return to school on Tuesday February 20th
- Easter Holiday is W/C Monday March 25th and Monday April 1st
Summer Term
Monday April 8th – Friday July 19th
- Children return to school on Monday April 8th
- May Bank Holiday Monday May 6th – school closed
- Spring Bank Half Term is W/C Monday May 27th
- Children return to school on Monday June 3rd
- INSET Day #4 – Friday June 28th
- Summer Holiday begins W/C Monday July 22nd
- INSET Day #5 – Monday July 22nd
Term Dates – 2024/2025 and beyond …
Whilst the exact dates of INSET days will not be available until closer to the 2024 summer break, parents/carers can see the term dates and holidays dates for upcoming school years on the council webpages. Despite being an academy school with flexibility to choose our own term dates, Carrfield follows the Barnsley LEA term and holiday dates. However, please be aware that we are also close to the Rotherham and Doncaster LEAs as well – if you have other children at Rotherham/Doncaster schools, please be aware that their term dates may differ.