School Alerts


Creative Curriculum

We know that pupils learn best when they are also enjoying themselves. Our curriculum provides engaging topics which excite and enthuse both staff and pupils. We supplement our children’s learning with unforgettable experiences. From investigating materials, through our outdoor water pump, stream and sand pits in Foundation Stage, to growing their own fruit and vegetables in our planters and orchard, pupils gain a variety of hands-on experiences from our rich school environment. We further enhance the curriculum with visits from and to a wide range of experts, exhibits and activities, including residential visits. Inspiring doesn’t just stop at the pupils- we invite families to join in their children’s learning: working on homework projects; Inspire mornings; stay and play events and celebrating with concerts and competitions. We aim to give pupils experiences and opportunities they will never forget, in order to light a spark which may change the future life they lead.

We understand that primary education provides a cornerstone for lifelong learning. With that in mind, pupils are introduced to concepts such as resilience, empathy and aspiration. These attributes help our children overcome adversity and understand that FAIL only stands for a First Attempt In Learning.



High Expectations

We set and maintain the very highest standards for everyone within our learning community. Pupils are given a variety of responsibilities, including House Captains, School Council and Eco-council. This enables them to help further develop their skills and attributes and gives them the responsibility for parts of the school such as picking teams for house competitions and maintaining the school’s Eco Areas.


We have an innovative outlook and are always looking to make sure that staff have the most cutting edge and up to date skills at their disposal. This has included partnering with the University of Melbourne in a research project, having a designated teacher in charge of evidence based practise and visiting other educational establishments as far and wide as Amsterdam! Staff have the skills, combined with the determination and passion to ensure pupils gain the knowledge and skills they need and education they deserve, setting them off on the right path for a life beyond the classroom; full of ambition, opportunity and success.


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