At Carrfield, we recognise that enrichment activities are as important for children’s personal development as their academic curriculum. After-school clubs form part of these enrichment experiences and school uses funding from the Pupil Premium and Sports funding grants to provide these to all children in school. We endeavour to provide a range of experiences from the usual sports clubs you would expect (for example, football), non-sporty experiences such as baking, choir and art and less-than-usual experiences such as archery, fencing and tchoukball. We use our own staff and outside providers to offer these experiences and in the vast majority of cases, these are provided free of charge.
School monitors the children who take part in these clubs and questions why certain groups of children may not be participating; it is our aim that all children – regardless of ability, SEND, gender, age or background – participate in at least one after-school club every year. Throughout the year, we will monitor our internal data to see if any particular groups are not taking up the offer and will then use pupil voice to ascertain why this might be. We will then be able to adapt what we are offering to better meet the needs and wants of these children.
Mr. Morton will share details about how to apply for places in the after-school clubs on Dojo, Twitter and sometimes via letter each half term. Any remaining places can always be checked with the school office who will be happy to add your child to the list if there is a space available.
2023-2024 After-School Club Leaflets
2022-2023 After-School Club Leaflets